Facebook Live: What You Should be Doing When Using this Social Media Platform’s Feature

Videos are everywhere these days; on our Facebook feeds, in Snapchat and Instagram Stories. While most people are uploading their videos and stories, the truly fearless are using Facebook Live. This feature is a glorious step forward for video. It allows influencers and businesses to showcase fun and exciting moments that can interest anyone. Going... read more

Can Regulating Facebook Affect Your Marketing Efforts?

It’s no surprise that social media giant Facebook has surpassed most broadcasting media companies with its two billion active users. According to a study conducted by MSNBC, 45% of American adults get their news exclusively from Facebook. As a result, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is going back and forth on the idea of possibly... read more

Can Twitter’s Increased Character Count Benefit Your Business?

In late September 2017, Twitter founder Jack Dorsey announced that the social media platform would be testing out - to a select group of users - a newly increased character count (the current is 140 characters). Avid Twitter users have learned over time to create dense content. In a way, the doubled amount can be... read more

H-E-B Park: A State-of-the-Art Website for a Stadium That Does it All

When H-E-B Park’s construction was first announced, many in the Valley were excited. There were already plenty of sports facilities in the RGV, but this one would prove to be one of the largest and most attractive. Like every great stadium and venue, H-E-B Park needed a high quality website. The venue knew that in... read more

Is Your Social Media Marketer Buying Your Instagram Followers?

There are 700 million monthly users on Instagram with 400 million daily users. Instagram has emerged as a leading advertising platform for businesses and influencers looking to get a piece of the pie. It seems that everywhere you click on Instagram, there’s an influencer and business showcasing its products, fashion and travels. With thousands of... read more

Designer’s Corner: Jaime’s 5 Tips and Tricks for Improving Your Graphic Designing Efforts

Have you ever purchased something based solely on its packaging? Graphic designers are the superheroes behind almost everything we see, from websites, brochures and company logos. They’re the masters of balancing hat tricks that envision beautiful creations before getting to work on them. This skill is beneficial to every small business looking to bring a... read more

Why You Should Never Neglect Content for Your Business’ Website and Social Media Accounts

There are many elements that go into digital marketing, such as web design, social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) and content marketing. The content that makes up your website and social media posts is imperative since it determines your business's credibility. It’s very important to hand your company’s content responsibility to someone who can... read more

Engineering a New Look and User Experience for Solorio, Inc.

Solorio, Inc. and the many members of our talented team are familiar with what goes into creating a work of art. The company’s owner, Simon Solorio, is an expert at blueprints and design, so he knows what it takes to make a structure look amazing. In the last few years alone, his company has received... read more

The Hashtag: Why and How You Should be Using it to Build Your Brand’s Awareness

In the past, we’ve gone over the strategies of gaining exposure for your business’s social media accounts. There’s one we briefly touched over that deserves much more attention, though. Hashtagging keywords relevant to your business is a great way to get discovered. Using Twitter and Instagram hashtags is one of the best ways to grow... read more

3 Photo Editing Apps That You Should be Using for Your Business’s Social Media Efforts

At Imagine It Studios, we take social media very seriously. Almost too serious, you can say. Obviously, the more creative you are with your posts, the higher the chances of gaining followers, shares and likes. We’ve found that it really helps to create unique strategies and photo styles for each client. This way, it’s sure... read more

Looking Serene: Proudly Introducing Avalon Spa & Salon’s Newest Website!

Avalon Spa & Salon has been dedicated to helping clients feel and look beautiful while taking them into the realm of relaxation. We felt it was important to upgrade their website with a more contemporary look that perfectly translated this philosophy. Although it was a long effort that required the work of so many members... read more

Why Your Business Should Take Advantage of Instagram Stories to Build its Brand Awareness

In August of 2016, the world was introduced to Instagram Stories, a feature that allowed adding stickers and filters to photos and videos before disappearing after 24 hours. Yes, this sounds very much like what Snapchat does, however, Snapchat can be abrasive and raw, which is fine if you’re sharing content with friends and family.... read more

Back to Basics: What is SEO?

Don’t know where to find sushi in your town? What is the first thing you do? You get on your laptop or phone and do a local search. Whichever device you grab, 75% of users you will only browse the first page of Google. You’ll click on the links that take you to the most... read more

Instagram Collections: What Many Claim is a Copy of Pinterest’s Most Popular Feature

Snapchat’s features are no strangers to being targeted by Facebook and Instagram. Last year alone, the two released their own versions of a story feature mimicking the already-successful “Snapchat Stories”. Just in case you aren’t aware of what’s been happening over the past few years on social media, here’s a brief overview of what we’re... read more


You may have noticed a short while back that we performed a major overhaul of our website. We felt that now was the time to speak out about it after working out all of the kinks and glitches that naturally come with any new site build. We take pride in creating beautiful, functional and appealing... read more

Just the Facts: Facebook’s New Plan to Weed Out Fake News and Misinformation

Have you ever wondered which news outlets are currently in the lead when it comes to generating interest and traffic? Would you believe us if we said that it’s social media giant Facebook? The website recently reported that 44% of its American users rely on it for the latest in news and facts going on... read more

How You Should be Using These 4 Critical Tips When Creating an Effective Facebook Ad

Social media has engulfed the world. According to The Statistics Portal, 81% of Americans own a social media profile. The reigning champion of social media is Facebook, which has over one billion active profiles with more than 100 million people active on mobile devices each month. Although seen as a pastime, Facebook has become a... read more

3 Social Media Outlets You Should be Using to Build Your Business’s Brand Awareness

As a business or brand owner, your goal is to see revenue return with any marketing strategy. Global consumers spend an average of two hours a day on social media sites. Imagine how many business profiles they view! If you own a business, the best way to maximize your company’s exposure is to be on... read more

4 Things You Should be Doing to Improve Your Website’s User Experience

As a business owner, you should be aware by now that every so often, you’ll need to do some tidying up to make your shop or office more appealing to customers. Maybe you’ve considered new colors, reorganizing the interior layout, etc. This is understandable as keeping the same look eventually gets dull. Remember, first impressions... read more

Making Your Stomach Growl While Exploring Delia’s Tamales’ New Website!

Imagine sitting at your favorite restaurant, eating an unforgettable meal and soaking in all of its deliciousness. The flavors, ambience and personal connection you have with your favorite place to eat is something that can be hard to translate into a website. At Imagine It Studios, we knew that Delia’s Tamales had placed a big... read more

A Quick Look at Facebook Messenger’s Latest Snap-Like Feature

Facebook's latest mobile Messenger update has users amped that the social media giant is catching up with other similar apps. Snapchat stood its ground when denying the sell off of their app to Facebook, and what did Facebook do? Challenged it. Back in August, Instagram introduced "Instagram Stories", which shared a striking similarity to Snapchat.... read more

3 Rising Digital Marketing Trends to Expect in 2017

Anyone in the digital marketing arena understands that a key and crucial strategy is keeping up with the changes of an ever-evolving industry. For example, SEO is always evolving and one way to beat or catch up with the competition is to evolve with it. Below are some upcoming trends that are sure to grow... read more

Giving Back to Our Community Through Lone Star National Bank’s Annual Toy Drive

The chaos of prepping for the holidays can have anyone scrambling for the right decorations, food arrangements and, of course, gifts. We wanted to do our part this year by giving back to the community and making a difference in the lives of those who truly deserve it: children. “At Imagine It Studios, we know... read more

Maximize Your Holiday Social Media Strategies with These 4 Tips

Most, if not all, consumers will be inundated with a few dozen holiday ads through email campaigns or social media. These ads typically promote the many holiday sales and special gifts that come with this time of year. Although it's great marketing, nowadays, there is a different approach you can take to entice holiday shoppers... read more

Producing a Fresher, User-Friendly Website for GR Fresh

The ever-changing online world can be tough to keep up with. People want fresh ideas, stimulating visuals and easy-to-understand information when it comes to web development. Delivering each of these in a unique but effective way is no easy feat. That being said, for a company to compete online, they need a faster, user-friendly website... read more