4 Reasons Many Consumers Abandon Their Cart Before Making an Online Purchase

One of the most frustrating things in e-commerce is when a customer is close to checking out in an online shop and then abandons their cart. This drawback is something that plagues many online businesses.

In fact, according to Sleek Note, the average abandoned cart rate is 70%, with mobile users at a higher rate of 85.65%! We’re going to break down several more concerning statistics from Sleek Note and address how you can prevent it.

Dealing with Extra Costs

Whether it be high shipping costs, hidden fees, or non-transparent costs, 55% of customers cited these extra costs for driving them away.

Forced to Create an Account

34% of customers surveyed stated that being forced to create an account to make a purchase is the second-highest reason for cart abandonment.

Having to Reenter Credit Card Information

Imagine filling your online cart with a ton of good stuff, inputting your credit card information, and then getting an error, whether it be from credit card or website difficulties. Is this a sign that maybe you should count your coins and come back later?

A shopper’s high and low are real, and 30% of shoppers say they’ll leave if they must re-enter their credit card information, with 25% saying they’ll leave if they must re-enter their shipping information.

Discount Codes That Don’t Work

Who doesn’t love a good deal? 90% of customers use online coupons and 75% expect large brands to offer them, but when that code doesn’t work, 46% of customers will abandon their cart.

Email Marketing to the Rescue

Email marketing is a great way to entice customers, offer discount codes, send out monthly newsletters and welcome emails, and highlight incentive programs, but did you know that you can also target your email marketing campaigns specifically to abandoned cart shoppers?

Use your email marketing campaign to remind customers of their favorite items left behind in their carts, enticing them to come back. In fact, sending three abandoned cart emails results in 69% more orders than a single email!

Take Advantage of Email Marketing in McAllen!

At Imagine It Studios, we can create the perfect email campaign for your business while also enticing your customers. With our tailored services, you can experience the success you’ve been wanting for so long. Reach out to us today to get started!