3 Content Marketing Practices that Can Drive Leads and Retain Your Customers

As a small- to medium-sized business, you’ve more than likely met a handful of challenges when it comes to marketing your brand through different avenues. Whether it’s social media marketing, email marketing, or content marketing, each presents its own obstacles that often require you to re-evaluate your methods.

With content marketing, trends come and go, but we’ve found a few practices that almost always yield results and get people to engage with your brand. Our digital marketing agency in McAllen would like to share three of them that are sure to help you out.

Identify Your Audience

This should go without saying, but we can’t stress it enough. If you want to create customer conversion through your content, you’ll have to accurately identify your audience. Do you own a motorcycle repair shop? If so, your audience will most likely be predominantly male and young to middle-aged.

If you own a boutique, then your style of clothing will determine your audience’s age but will be predominantly female. Get what we’re saying? Your content needs to reflect your audience’s interests, age group, and maybe even their budget. Once you’ve got these statistics down, marketing your content toward your audience’s identity should yield some great results.

Do Your Research

If you’re taking the reins of your own content marketing plan, then it’s important to find out what your customers are asking and looking for online. If you happen to have a team like us working for you, then you’re all set since we’re always keeping our clients up-to-date on what people are searching for online.

On the other hand, if you have your own team, then you’ll need to do some research. Should you have a social media strategist that handles your company’s Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts, then this person will definitely have an idea of how you can market your content.

Find out what questions people are asking, which types of posts are getting the most engagement, and which services or products of yours are getting the most attention. If you employ a digital marketer who specializes in SEO, then he/she will paint a clear picture of what your demographic is searching for online. From there, you can create a content plan that takes all of these findings into consideration.

Don’t Rely on Content Alone

Going off of our previous point, if you have social media strategists on hand, work with them to market your content through social avenues. This should also include creating posts that will drive followers to your website to read up on what you’ve written.

You can also work off of what your social media strategists are doing. If they’re putting together a video showcasing a new line of products, write some content to go along with it, even if it’s a short blurb.

If you’re going the email marketing route by releasing a newsletter each week letting people know which deals and sales you have planned, then link an article or blog that goes into detail about what your shop will be selling. Anything that brings people to your website is a good thing, so take advantage of the opportunity.

Take Advantage of Our Services in McAllen

If you’re tackling a content marketing plan that isn’t getting the results you need or want, then reach out to us. Our content strategists are quick in familiarizing themselves with our clients and their brands. Get started today by reaching out to Imagine It Studios in McAllen.

Michael Martinez:
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