Categories: Web Design

3 Basic Web Design Tips That Will Stand the Test of Time to Generate the Leads You Need

It almost seems like ages ago that the web design industry revolutionized how consumers engage with content online. In the early days, all it took to get solid leads and engagement was some simple paragraphs of copy. Nowadays, though, things are much more complex. If a site has uninspiring content or lacks eye-catching graphics and designs, Google won’t even give it a second glance.

Web design has evolved in a way over the years that makes it a driving force in the marketing industry. Thankfully, there are a few web designing methods that our digital marketing agency in McAllen believes will stand the test of time to help businesses find the leads they need. Check them out below.

Never be Afraid to Evolve with the Industry

Web design – and the marketing industry as a whole – is constantly changing and evolving. As a result, it will only serve your best interests to evolve with it if you want for your business to succeed.

Over the past decade, for example, smartphones and tablets have dominated the tech industry, making it easier for people to access the web via mobile devices. Mobile-friendly sites are a must if you want for yours to load and display perfectly. With more and more businesses joining the mobile-friendly movement, your company will surely get the attention it needs from visitors and customers.

Pick What Works for You

There are a few web design trends that’ve been met with open arms, like video content and other visual cues. They’re sure to stick around for a while since a majority of consumers are much more visual when it comes to getting their attention.

According to an article by medium.com, 85% of people are more likely to purchase a product if it’s presented in a video format. If you’ve seen this work for your business in the past, then have at it and keep using it. If it hasn’t, however, then do some online research and look for other tips that other business owners have found useful.

Forget What You Think You Know

If you work in an industry that’s far removed from digital marketing, then it’s safe to say that you know next to nothing about web design. If you have a million ideas about how your site should work and be presented, be prepared to get a dose of honesty from a web designer.

Remember, the web designer is the expert and knows what works. Although it’s true that he/she will do their best to incorporate the ideas that you have, don’t find it shocking when they point out that said ideas may be outdated or bad. This is where it’s important to give your web designer free rein to come up with something that they know will work for you.

Get the Most Out of Our Web Designers in McAllen

When it comes to creating a blueprint for the perfect website, our web designers are constantly up-to-date and in-the-know of the latest trends.

Our lead web developer, Bradley, has this to say:

“Visitors are always looking to find relevant content on a website, not the search term they Googled repeated over and over. With web design constantly evolving, correctly coding your site will always be an effective, lead-generating tool for a long time to come.”

If your small- to medium-sized business is in need of a new look with an expert at the helm, then contact our digital marketing agency in McAllen today for a consultation!

Michael Martinez:
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