Tool Time: What We Use to Build Your Brand

Digital marketing is built on many tools, one being content. For small businesses setting foot in the digital marketing world, building content may seem daunting, but when putting anything together, you need the right tools. Thankfully, there’s an extensive toolbox of quick and efficient apps and software to use. We keep this in mind when working with you and want to give you a peek into our toolbox.

There are plenty of tools for digital marketing. Let’s use them to build your brand.

Easy Publishing

WordPress is one of the most prevalent publishing platforms around. It’s simple to use, has deep customization and is an incredibly versatile platform for new users with plenty of custom themes to build on even if you have a minimal knowledge of HTML. It is also a platform that is easily used since you can log in from any computer and is designed for use by multiple contributors.

Social Standout

Staying on top of social media is paramount to proper promotion, but keeping up with multiple platforms can be extremely daunting. That’s where Hootsuite comes in. Hootsuite is built on a simple principle: consolidation. It’s gives your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media platforms a simple control board.

This makes managing your social media efforts a breeze, allowing you to maintain a theme across platforms and simplifying interaction. It also provides comprehensive analytics that lets you see how your message is being received.

Data Driven

Speaking of analytics, Google Analytics has become an instant bookmark when it comes to diving into data. This free platform is a one-stop shop for analysis of traffic to your website and tracks everything from a number of unique visitors to the average length of their stay. This deep collection of data lets you see how effective your site is among users, allowing you to build on what works and pinpoint what doesn’t.

Keep Talking

Lastly, running a project requires clear communication and Google Hangouts is a free platform that allows a team to quickly communicate through instant messaging. It’s faster and less formal than emails and can be easily transitioned from group chats to private or specific team chats. It’s a simple concept, but one that works exactly as it should.

It All Starts Now

At Imagine It Studios, our team expertly uses the tools of the trade to keep your website impressive and your content flowing. We want to build the perfect platform to promote your brand and are always looking for new ways to deliver. We know you can benefit from a team effort like ours, so drop us a line or give us a call at 956.687.1521.

Kristian Limas:
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