The Difference Between Short-Term and Long-Term Marketing

Marketing is an essential part of business growth. Whether you own a restaurant or construction company, your overall marketing strategy should reflect your business goals. But one of the main misunderstandings we see among business owners involves the difference between short- and long-term marketing strategies.

Let’s go over it briefly below.

What is Short-Term Marketing?

This marketing strategy incorporates “quick wins” for your business: efforts that accomplish goals on a daily, weekly, and even monthly basis.

Perfect examples of short-term marketing include:

  • Promoting a flash sale or event on social media
  • Google AdWords campaigns

Check out one of our short-term promotions for our client, Delia’s, here.

What is Long-Term Marketing?

Long-term marketing involves looking at the bigger picture, which usually entails looking forward six months, a year, or even longer. It’s a consistent strategy that includes your short-term wins. The biggest struggle is not seeing those immediate wins, but you must remember that this is a marathon, not a sprint.

A few examples include

Another client of ours, Explore McAllen, saw a lot of growth and reach through long-term marketing.

Digital Marketing in McAllen

At Imagine It Studios, we understand that every business and its needs are different. Whether you’re looking for short- or long-term marketing or need to incorporate a hybrid of the two, the best marketing strategies happen with us. Let’s start the conversation, so contact us today!

Clair Martinez:
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