Categories: Atmosphere

Imagine It Studios Takes on Title Boxing

“A couple that works out together, stays together.” This phrase may conjure up images of couples way too into themselves who treat the gym like a selfie studio. In all seriousness though, those people are onto something, and I think we’ve discovered what it is.

Imagine It Studios is no stranger to testing new trends or making our own. Let’s face it, when you have the support of a group of friends, there’s nothing holding you back from trying new things. So, when we jumped on our boxing/kickboxing adventure, we packed our gym bags and never looked back.

Too Much of a Good Thing

The IIS team has gone through the health nut phase where spinach and kale juices were our go-to breakfasts as well as the gluttonous, fat-pants phase where breakfast tacos, pizza lunches and chocolate snacks were a daily occurrence.

Back in December, we were nearing the end of our Sam’s Pizza Wednesdays on Thursdays phase when, out of the blue, our boss walked us over to a nearby boxing gym. I clearly remember that day. Weeks of pizza-eating were taking a toll on us as extra pounds and tighter fitting pants were appearing. A slightly winded Katherine and Osmar were complaining to John for making us walk to the gym and asking if there were some yummy sweets waiting when we arrived. With the New Year right around the corner, I figured John was dragging us along for another soon-to-be-failed New Year’s Resolution.

Title Boxing, the new training studio in town, was our destination. The studio itself is pretty large with floor-to-ceiling window panes lining the wall that faces 10th street. When we first walked in, the scents of leather, rubber and plastic from freshly mounted exercise equipment mixed with a mild disinfectant put me in an energetic mood. John must have felt something, too. He signed us up for a year-long membership the next day.

Boxing and Working Together

After five months, we’re still going strong. The pizza fat melted off and we only use our fat pants on special occasions. I feel stronger, fitter and more energetic than before, and I thank my coworkers for that.

Boxing and kickboxing really test your limits. The boxing and training team at the gym work with you on an individual or group basis while being friendly and smiling. Alex, Julio, Tony, Charlie, all the Eds (Edward, Eduardo, Eddie) and the rest know exactly how to challenge your mind and body while fueling you with the energy you need.

Nothing beats having a coworker/friend by your side to get you through those really rough patches. I can’t count the times Osmar has gotten me through a round. When I’m about to break from a lunge with 10 seconds on the clock, Osmar is there to cheer me on. Simply put, with friends, time passes faster and it’s easy to get engaged.

Work with Us

Teamwork is at the center of all we do. If you’re looking for a like-minded company to get on board with for your marketing campaign, we’re here. Call us at 956.687.1521.

JoAnn Martinez:
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