Fresh Takes: Tangents and Brainstorming

So meetings here are usually pretty fun. Yeah, I’m actually being 100% serious about that. In fact, I actually look forward to meetings with the team because anything can happen. We go on tangents sometimes. It’s nothing bad because work still gets done. Actually, these tangents usually end up helping our clients in the long run.

That’s the thing about brainstorming sessions, when you have that many creative people in a room, ideas are bound to appear out of the chaos. We keep things light, and when conditions are right, magic happens.

We have fun while being productive and want you to know how we do it.

What Were We Talking About?

Sometimes it’s as simple as going over recent Google numbers for a site. We’re pretty good at our jobs, so clients usually rank pretty high and stay visible. That said, when there is a difference, no matter how small, we notice and talk about it.

We go over things like search terms and experiment with different phrases. Pretty soon, “Valley organic vegetables” turns into “tomato recipes”. Next thing we know, Lorena is writing a long feature on tomatoes from around the world along with a photoshopped picture of a traveling tomato.

Admittedly, we were all pretty hungry on the morning of that meeting, so our minds were elsewhere to begin with, but we still ended up with an amazing idea for content for our client.

Keeping it Fresh

Creative flow is very important for us, and we’re very wary of burnout around here. If we’ve been working too long on one specific thing, we open it up to everyone else and see what we get back. It’s more than just getting a fresh set of eyes on something, it’s about keeping things fun. For us, we work best when we have fun coming into work every day. If we’re not having fun, then our work suffers and that’s not good for clients.

All Work and Fun

At the end of the day, it’s still all work for us here at the office. The big difference is that, for us, work is fun. That’s a pretty rare thing for people these days and we try our best not to take it for granted. When we’re having fun, our clients benefit and we always think ahead for them. So if you want to get in on the fun, let us know.

Kristian Limas:
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